Saturday, 26 September 2015


I have posted a video entitled, Why is India So Filthy?, on a separate page. I saw this several months ago and was deeply impressed by the ideas presented in it. The video is part of the famous TED talks series, this one recorded in India itself. The presenter is an Indian social activist who has initiated numerous community improvement projects based on the idea that if people's urban environments are treated with respect, they will come to similarly treat them with respect. The group of activists enters a community where they determine the environment, sidewalks walls green space and so on, has been degraded by inattention and disrespect. They acquire inexpensive resources and use their own time, without salary, to rehabilitate the area.

What strikes the viewer is the highly unusual masking of the presenters face. I believe this is the only time the talks have allowed this, and they do so because it is part of the philosophy of these activists that they complete their interventions with complete anonymity. They prefer to emphasize such nameless faceless engagement as the model for social responsibility. They want to represent that anybody, not just some high profile or individual, can demonstrate care and responsibility in the environment.

It was partly from watching this video that the idea for blue box walking occurred. As with this group, BBW aspires to be the caretaking activity of ordinary, nameless citizens, rather than some organization or government agency.

Friday, 11 September 2015


Walked around the Renfrew Fair perimeter. Surprisingly little. Mostly Fast food stuff.

I may be able to retire after today, I struck it rich with a crisp green $4.00 bill . Yeah I know its Monopoly money but pretty soon it will be on par with the Canadian dollar!

Monday, 7 September 2015


Went to the Home Hardware today and found this excellent heavy duty (and Blue!) collection bag. Its solid and replaces the bag I had been using. Its much more durable and will not rip like the others have. Only $9.95 at the Renfrew Home Hardware.


 Somebody abandoned their fleet. Now they're part pf the BBW fleet!

Sunday, 6 September 2015


Hey there BBoxers,

Did a couple of trips this weekend and had no trouble filling the bag. 
This seems to be the pattern for this area of town:
1. plastic drink cups with lids and straws
2. assorted paper - from napkins to a 12-can beer case
3. pop and beer cans
4. anything else - sox, fragments of foam packaging, a whole kids bike

The best find was two wild fruit trees - one plum, one crab apple. Lots of sweet and juicy fruit for picking.

reduce the waste while you reduce the waist,
Recyclin' Ray